New Buddies For BoB

This is one of my new buddies, Cloud ‘O!!!!! Say hi, Cloud ‘O!!!!!
He’s bouncy!!!

I’m also good friends with… (Blob ‘O!)

(Cheer ‘O!)

(Weird ‘O!)

(Bounce ‘O!)

Those are my new buddies!!! I luv them so much. I remember when we met. It’s like  it was yesterday. (ummmm ten minutes ago!)

7 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    bob1000 said,

    Aren’t they great??

  2. 3

    Cheesey said,

    Wow! They’re terrific! Were did you find them??
    Also, I have a couple friends like them, too! I just don’t know how to attach them. 😦
    Oh well!

  3. 5

    CupcakeGrl said,

    Haha me toooo!!! And btw happy birthday cheesey!!!!

  4. 6

    Lauren the baconator said,

    O Cheesy! I hope you have a happy birthday! We will be there for you! That darn snow!!!!

  5. 7

    Cheesey said,

    Yay! I’m soo glad you guys could come!

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